A running blog from an Ordinary Runner

Silhouette of a runner against a sunset. Overlaid with the Ordinary Runner logo

This running blog is for the Ordinary Runner.

We’re never at the front of the race. And we don’t care.

That’s not where we belong.



  1. With no special or distinctive features; normal.
  2. Not interesting or exceptional; commonplace.



  1. A person that runs, especially in a specified way.
  2. A person who runs competitively as a sport or as a hobby.

That’s me. An Ordinary Runner.

A person who runs in a specified way. That way being neither interesting nor exceptional.

There are many runners nowadays. We’re commonplace. And many of us are ordinary.

That’s who this running blog is for. All of you out there who, like me, are Ordinary Runners.

Running Cadence - The Ordinary Runner - Running Blogger

Occasionally, as an Ordinary Runner, we’re competitive. Sometimes our running might even be described as sport.

Mostly, though, we just do it for ourselves. We do it for our mental and physical health. We do it for freedom and we do it for escape.

Or, we do it because we once did a parkrun and we were given a time. Now we must keep doing parkruns and we must keep improving that time. Even if we’re a bit older and our legs are much achier.

The bottom half of a runner's legs mid stride. Overlaid with the Ordinary Runner logo

There are many questions about running. What gear should you buy? What are the best running playlists? Is running actually bad for your knees?

While I don’t have all the answers, I’ve been running long enough to learn some stuff. Besides, what I don’t know, I’m always happy to find out.

And that’s what this running blog is about. An Ordinary Runner, who runs a few times a week, waffling about running.

Get involved

So, Ordinary Runners, please join me. You can ask questions, offer comments or suggest ways to make my training schedule overly complicated.

Or you can just read my rambles and be grateful that you can continue with your ordinary running, safe in the knowledge that I’m doing the stupid stuff on your behalf.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

Image credits

Sunset runner image by 272447 from Pixabay

Runner on the beach image by Dorothea OLDANI on Unsplash

Flying feet image by SAM7682 from Pixabay